The BEST way lower your risk of heart disease and cancer
Jul 29, 2024
Is your lifestyle healthy?
If you're like most people, you may have lifestyle habits that are putting you at risk for illness, even death and you may not realize it. The good news is there's something you can do about it! Simple changes to your lifestyle can result in drastic changes to your health AND happiness in the span of just a few weeks.
Our healthcare system was constructed to prioritize care for patients after they become sick instead of focusing on prevention and wellness for the long run. Lifestyle factors including but not limited to unhealthy weight, poor diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, excessive alcohol, stress and sleep deprivation play a significant role in the development of the majority of chronic diseases.
When the data shows that 80% of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancer can be prevented primarily with improvements to diet and lifestyle, it should be our duty to place prevention first.
While this is the most effective way to live a healthy life, it is also the least expensive and has no side effects. There isn't a medicine out there that can promise those results.
During my years of clinical practice, it was abundantly clear that my patients wanted to be empowered with the tools to make healthy lifestyle choices in order to lose weight, prevent illness and live a long and healthy life.
For most people, the choice between medication and lifestyle is clear.
Medication only manages the condition with the great potential for side effects, while sustainable lifestyle change heals and cures the condition from the root.
The reason why most people end up on medication is because conventional medical training and services are not designed to offer lifestyle options. It is not because patients prefer meds over lifestyle.
This gap is leading to both patient AND physician frustration. For some patients, this leads to seeking out services not rooted in science, which can ultimately cause more harm.
In launching Enso Lifestyle Health, my goal was to close this gap with a dedicated, evidence-based lifestyle medicine coaching practice, focused on sustainable weight loss, optimizing whole health and prevention of illness. My approach is personalized and customized to your unique genetic predispositions, current lifestyle and environment to set you up for success.
In launching this newsletter, my goal is to provide you with a source of reliable and actionable information to put you on the right path towards healing and whole health for life.
Upcoming newsletter issues will feature case studies, simple and delicious recipes, evidence-based lifestyle medicine tips and tricks and more. I am so excited to share all of this with you and for you to start on this journey with me!
Stay tuned and stay En-SO Healthy !