She lost 22 pounds and reversed prediabetes!

Dec 09, 2024

When Jen and I first met, she was overweight with elevated fasting blood sugar and a HbA1c that was in the prediabetes range. 

She had a big job, working long hours and often came home late at night. The last thing she wanted to do after a crazy busy day was cook a meal – she had never really been a fan of cooking ever.

She had tried multiple exercise, fitness and weight loss programs. They were either too rigid, required counting calories or points and didn’t take into consideration her overall environment or lifestyle. She was able to lose weight with some of these programs initially but ended up gaining it back because they were ultimately unsustainable. Despite her efforts, her blood sugar and HbA1c continued to trend upwards.

Now, she is 22 pounds lighter and has managed to reverse her prediabetes with lifestyle.

She is feeling motivated and inspired by her results and is enjoying the journey, which is propelling her further towards her ultimate goals. Not only is she thrilled about fitting into clothes she had packed away (she thought she’d never be able to wear these again!), she has experienced a deeper shift, viewing food and movement as ultimate forms of self-care.

How did we get her there?

  1. We clearly defined her overall purpose and designed a personalized, strategic and enjoyable action plan to help move her towards her goals. She not only wanted to prevent illnesses like diabetes and lead a high quality of life in the future (not be a frequent flyer to the hospital in old age), she wanted to look and feel sexy, energized and happy in the now. This mindset helped guide and reinforce her choices.
  2. We used real science and lessons in physiology to reinforce her decision-making. Once she understood how her body and specific organs were reacting to specific foods in the short and long-term…how she had the power to affect changes in her metabolism and hormones through her lifestyle choices, it was much more seamless to make healthier decisions.
  3. We talked about both negative AND positive prescriptions for wellness and weight loss. It wasn't just about what not to do or what not to eat (negative prescriptions). Actually, what TO DO and what TO EAT...what positive lifestyle prescriptions to incorporate and embrace on a regular basis were just as if not more important than the negative prescriptions to help her (and all of my clients) achieve their goals.
  4. I created a customized meal plan targeted to her lifestyle as a busy professional and mom. I knew she wasn’t a huge cooking fan and developed recipes using simple ingredients (many of which were typically already in her home) with little prep time that actually tasted amazing. I helped her make use of her spice cabinet in a non-overwhelming way to not only make foods taste better but also to reap the amazing health benefits. Through our work together, she has acquired the skills to plan and put together foods that she really enjoys which satisfy and energize her and help her move towards her wellness and weight loss goals. She has realized healthy eating and nourishing herself with real food can and should taste great and does not need a huge amount of effort.  

I am so proud of Jen. Not just because of the results which speak for themselves, but the life-long skills she has acquired and the deeper internal shift that she has experienced.


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