3 simple tips to enjoy the holidays...

Nov 17, 2024

The holidays are here.

That means celebrating with family, friends, and co-workers. It's hard to make healthy lifestyle decisions at any party. That can feel even tougher during the holiday season. 

Holiday parties are swarming with buttery casseroles and pies.

While the gym is looking darker, colder, and creepier than ever. Especially compared to your cozy couch. Where you could sit with a glass of spiked cider in one hand and a piece of pecan pie in the other.  

So here's three simple and actionable tips to stay healthy at the parties this holiday season.


Tip #1: Beware of empty calories!

...in the form of alcohol AND non-alcoholic beverages. It’s amazing how many extra calories you can consume at a holiday bash from spiked punch, wine and beer alone as well as just good old mulled apple cider or egg nog. My tips: use smaller glasses when filling up; remarkable what an optical illusion will do. 

Also, make a point to have a non-alcoholic beverage in between. 

I recommend water with a wedge of lemon/lime or zero calorie unsweetened seltzer (sans artificial sweeteners). It will keep you full, decrease the amount of alcohol you consume by default, and keep you hydrated. You then also avoid that horrible dehydrated existence/morning-after headache.

Alternatively, use the strategy of dilution by converting your glass of wine into a spritz. That is, instead of opting for a 4-5 ounce glass of wine, make it 2-3 ounces and top it off with unsweetened seltzer of your choice.

When it comes to non-alcoholic sugary options, dilution is effective! Instead of a full cup of apple cider or holiday punch, have a glass of seltzer and add a splash of cider or punch for a little sweetness.

Don’t waste your precious nourishment on empty calories. 

Tip #2: Offer to bring a healthy dish to the gathering

Freaking out a little that the only options at your bestie’s bash will be buttered turkey, served with a side of buttered veggies, followed by sugary sweet potato pie? Why not offer to bring a healthy dish or dessert to the get together. Perhaps some homemade hummus with fresh veggies or pita chips for dipping.

Or a cucumber yogurt dip accompanied by some whole-wheat pita wedges or even a hearty salad. Or what about an Antioxidant Cookie for Wellness and Weight Loss!

You will feel better prior to the party and during if you know there is a healthy dish option. You may get teased for being the health freak of the group. But it’s totally worth it not just for your long term goals, but for actually feeling better in the short term. 

Tip #3: Have a light, healthy snack before you hit the party

Don’t arrive at the party starving to death. 

That will just lead to mindless crazy binge eating. You’ll end up shoving a stuffed mushroom, a few blocks of cheese, a Spanakopita, and some shrimp down your throat in just under 5 minutes.

This doesn't allow your brain to process and regulate information relating to hunger. The result: you just consumed way too many calories for no reason.

Now feel like a big blob and you haven’t even had dessert yet.

To avoid this, have a light, healthy snack before you leave home. Maybe an Anti-Inflammatory Curry Bomb, a Protein-packed Apple Cinnamon Yogurt Bowl or a Superfood Bell Pepper Feta Bite. You won't arrive as the ravenous guest, allowing you to eat slowly and more mindfully.  


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